Saturday 23 October 2010

Results from research for a new and effective technology system

In my research I came across barcoding and wondered if I could utilise this concept to provide a new and improved keycard system. I decided the best way to do this was by incorporating a barcode on a wristband, which guests would be given on arrival and wear during the duration of their stay. Not only this, I also decided that the wristband could be more than just a key for room entry; it could also be used across hotel facilities, such as the spa or restaurant, to provide quick and hassle free payments. 
The system could also be used by the hotel to monitor specific guests spending habits and general trends. The wristbands would allow information to be compiled more easily.
In order for the barcode and wristband system to be put in place, it was imperative that guests have their picture taken for security reasons. The picture of the guest would pop up on a screen, when the wristband was used in hotel facilities.   
At first, I aimed to apply the wristband concept to the 5 star hotel industry. However, after chatting to my tutor it became clear that the high profile nature and different cultures of the guests meant many would not want their picture taken and my idea wasn’t best suited to this particular sector. However, it became clear that the 3 or 4 star hotel industry could be a target, but through more research I found the cruise industry was in need of a system such as mine. As a result I decided to focus on the cruise industry targeting large cruise ships. 

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