Saturday 16 October 2010

First thoughts to identify a customer need/business process from the hospitality or tourism industry

In my experience in the 5 star hotel industry, working in the front of house, I found guests often asking for a new keycard because they had lost, misplaced (with the possibility of theft) or damaged their copy. This was creating inconvenience for guests and resulted in extra cost to the hotel.   
The keycards are quite expensive for hotels to produce and all the replacements cost a company extra money. This led to me to believe that if their was a more efficient way to limit these costs for the hotel and to provide a better service for guests, it would be a real benefit. Not only would the hotel save money, guests would also have a more pleasurable experience with less inconvenience. 
Following these thoughts, I decided to research a new and effective technology system to resolve these issues.

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